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Political Moderates For Change

Political Website that is for advancing Political Moderates Political Agenda of being a Catalyst for Political Reform within The United States of America's Borders!

USA is currently in Political Crisis

Ultra Radical Left and Right Wing Extremists now control The United States of America's Political System:

It should be the long range goal of all reasonably minded American Citizens to throw out The Ultra Radical Left and Right Wing Extremists who now control The Democratic and Republican Parties!
We are now historically witnessing a similar occurrence within The United States of America that parallels Adolf Hitler's rise to power in Germany in The 1930s through 1940s. 

Although we live in different economic and social times from The reign of Adolf Hitler Dictator of Germany, there unfortunately still exists same climate of Political Oppression within The United States of America. 

Ultra Radical Left and Right Wing Extremists are carrying out similar political fights in our streets that had occurred in Germany circu 1930-35, majority of American Citizens lack political and Social Sophistication and are failing to recognize similar parallels between The German Nazi Party and The New Ultra Radical Right Wing Agenda of The Republican Party! 

The same can be said for The Ultra Radical Left Extremists who now control The Democratic party! 

We are in the midst of The Ultra Radical Left and Right Wing Extremists vieing to control The Average American Citizens. 

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